Issue 33

Issue 33, released in March 2023, marks the eighth anniversary of the first copy of UKE Magazine rolling off the presses. In it we return to our first cover star, Phil Doleman, covering a range of topics about his life with the ukulele, his tips to help players improve and a special on live performance techniques. We also talk to Hawaiian performer and teacher Jeff Peterson about his musical upbringing on the islands and how to choose a good teacher, online.

The theory behind syncopation is described in detail, alongside exercises to help you get to grips with it and a Reggae tune to play to test your new knowledge. And there’s a straightforward guide to soloing, in any major key, using patterns to unlock the fretboard and accompany your friends.

There’s plenty of gear too, with new ukes reviewed, as well as a variety of other guides and features aimed at upping your ukulele skills.